flvc blog

Multi-racial college students working on computers in a campus library
New ILS Provides More Access For Students, Faculty And Staff
The new, next-generation Integrated Library System (ILS) went live on July 13, 2021, and will allow students, faculty, and staff to search for and find information across all library collections at...
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FLVC Library Services
July 15, 2021
Female High School student lying on her back using a laptop to take a virtual campus tour
Searching For The Right College Has Never Been Easier With Virtual Tours
Visiting a college campus can be one of the most important factors for a student to determine whether that institution is the right fit for them and their future. Campus tours give prospective...
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July 1, 2021
Open library book with fanned pages merged with a laptop symbolizing online education
Why Quality Does Matter: A look at quality in online education
Students can only have the best learning experience if the online courses they are taking are of the highest quality. The stronger the design of the course, the more likely a student will have...
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April 9, 2021
Two college students social distancing and wearing masks for the COVID-19 pandemic
A Post-COVID 19 Higher Education Renaissance
When thinking about a prediction for the next year given all that has been happening in higher education in terms of the fiscal struggles, affordability concerns, the state of public confidence...
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March 8, 2021