FLVC’s Distance Learning & Student Services (DLSS) comprises an array of academic advising, career readiness, distance learning, and educational resources for students, educators, and administrators across Florida. These tools and resources enable college and university staff to provide top-quality support to their students and faculties, and significantly enhance student and institutional access to online, centralized information whenever and wherever they need it.

The online tools and information provided by FLVC for use by students and parents is delivered through the FloridaShines.org website. This includes an array of academic advising, career readiness, and distance learning resources.

Statewide Catalog of Courses and Degree Programs

FLVC manages the centralized, online catalog of all programs and certificates available from Florida's public colleges and universities, and many of the state's technical colleges and centers. Available 24/7 from FloridaShines.org, the catalog is a convenient, one-stop resource for students to quickly and easily find the courses they need to graduate on time.

The Catalog includes designations for quality and high-quality courses, along with indicators that enable students to quickly and easily identify online courses that have no textbook costs. These and other Catalog features support the state’s university and college systems in creating quality and affordability for online education.

Institution Profiles

In addition to course listings, the Catalog features detailed profiles of every public college and university statewide, and many technical colleges and centers. The profiles are a vital resource for high school seniors and their parents during the college search process. Profiles include detailed information such as admissions requirements and deadlines, tuition and costs, programs and degrees offered, campus-specific information, student demographics, housing options, and much more.

Transient Student Admissions Application

FLVC manages the state's official Transient Student Admissions Application, an automated workflow that streamlines the process for college and university students to request approval to take a course at another institution. In FY 2022-23, FLVC facilitated the creation of more than 54,000 Transient Student Admissions Applications

Common Prerequisites Manual

FLVC’s FloridaShines.org website serves as the official source of record for the statewide Common Prerequisite Manual (CPM). The CPM provides guidance to high school, college, and university staff and students on the prerequisite courses for degree programs offered by Florida’s public colleges and universities.

Collaboration, Partnership, and Support

FLVC collaborates with education-related organizations to advance postsecondary learning in Florida, reduce student and institutional costs, and enrich the educational experience of all students. Such activity includes:

  • Statewide License and Contract Negotiation – FLVC negotiates group licenses and contracts on behalf of interested institutions at all levels of Florida education, helping them reduce costs and simplify procurement, while addressing licensing concerns and requirements prioritized by the state’s public colleges and universities. FLVC saved the state of Florida more than $2.2 million in FY 23-24, compared to the licensing costs for individual institutions and K-12 districts.
  • "College 101" Webinars – FLVC partners with education groups across Florida to offer free “College 101” webinars that educate high school students and parents on topics such as college search and admissions processes, FAFSA and other financial aid options, and college readiness.
  • Florida Instructional Designer Network (FL-IDN) – A statewide professional development network for instructional designers and technologists.
Icon of stacked dollar bills
$2.2 Million

FLVC negotiates group licenses and contracts on behalf of interested institutions at all levels of Florida education, saving the state more than $2.2 million.