< Agenda

Breaking the "Golden Handcuffs" with the ADAPT Open Homework and Assessment Platform

Day 1
May 23
4:15 pm
5:15 pm
OER Summit Register for the SummitSummit CommitteeSponsor the Summit
About this session

This action lab addresses the LibreTexts efforts to build and expand the open-source ADAPT homework system—a central component of the "LibreVerse" ecosystem of courseware technologies—to supplant existing for-profit commercial systems. ADAPT is designed as a centralized OER question bank (>220 k) that combines adaptive learning incorporating learning trees with culturally responsive pedagogy for advanced use. We will demonstrate how instructors can use ADAPT to augment existing and newly constructed OER textbooks with summative exercises and embed them in LMSs, LibreTexts textbooks, in a standalone web application, and in-class clickers.

presented by
Delmar Larsen
University of California, Davis and LibreTexts